“13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” tells the story of the 2012 attack on the US Compound in Lybia that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens.  What actually happened leading up to, and after this event, has been muddled by the media while both parties used it as propaganda during the last Presidential debates.   Disgusted and disheartened by how the US (as a whole) handled the situation, and the lack of respect paid to those who lost their lives, the remaining members of the security team had their version of the events written in the book of the same name by Mitchell Zuckoff.

We had the privilege to speak with two of the actual former Navy Seals who were there during the attack. John “Tig” Tiegen who is portrayed by Dominic Fumusa and Mark “Oz” Geist who is portrayed  by Max Martini.  This interview was the most serious one I’ve been a part of to date and though the overall subject was somber, it didn’t stop Tig & Oz from throwing a few playful jabs at each other.

While we usually transcribe interviews for those who prefer to read, I feel that this is one case where it’s better to listen to what these guys have to say with your own ears.

Click here to read our full review on the film!

John “Tig” Tiegen (Left) is portrayed by actor, Dominic Fumusa (Right).

Mark “Oz” Geist (Left) is portrayed by actor, Max Martini (Right).

Mark “Oz” Geist (Left) is portrayed by actor, Max Martini (Right).