A Night of Misfit Films presented an intentionally odd assortment of films selected by festival creator and host Dineta Williams-Trigg. The films consisted of the ignominious incarnations of several local and otherwise out of town filmmakers that had (according to the filmmakers) been rejected by every film festival they submitted them to; films so ponderous in their production, so despicable in their direction, so stolid in their storytelling that no reputable film festival would dare have them. 17 vituperative videos were picked to play on November 26th out of an untold mass of miry murk. Held at The SIC Sense performance venue at 1902-9 East McDowell in Phoenix, the flagitious films were preceded by the jazz combo ‘Moonlight Magic.’ Dineta (that’s DIN-eet-Ah by the way) provided a generous offering of food and beverages for everyone in attendance which makes this festival one of my favorites already. The venue was small and cozy, and Dineta personally made sure everyone had a great time, even presenting EVERY filmmaker with a participation award at the conclusion. This was a unique, one of a kind festival for sure, and my sharpie is at the ready to mark the next Night Of Misfit Films. These are the 17 reprehensible rejects that were screened. Whenever possible, links to the films are provided.
Reflection – Directed and Written by Doug Proce
A woman (Delphine Del Mar) puts on makeup to “Gymnopedie” and ‘reflects’ upon her positive self image. Final Take – Right back at ya. (Watch it here)
Alone – Directed and Written by Doug Proce
A woman (Chelsea Claire) pouts while everyone around her enjoys the glitzy, vibrant nightlife of Scottsdale. Final Take – Swipe right. Nite nite. (Watch it here)
Foile’ a Deux – Directed by Ernesto Moncada
A technologically challenged couple communicate their rendezvous via chalkboard and meet in a swanky hotel. He offers impressive re-gifts and she strings jars together for a party line. They dance beneath the date palms to a groovy string bass in this fun and fantastic experimental film. Final Take – Crazy for each other.
Faithfully – Directed and Written by Brandon Bernard
An aspiring rapper sees a former high school classmate (who is now a prostitute) working the corner and invites her to move in with him. They immediately settle into a sparkling platonic existence of songwriting and housecleaning. They record a song together that gets a million views on YouTube and is played on the radio and all of their troubles are over. Final Take – Hip hop chop shop.
An Avant Garde Moment:Take One – Directed and Written by Kim Wagner Hemmes
A woman visits a cemetery and the grim reaper asks for a lift. She turns him down and he monkeys with her car. Final Take – Take two.
The Splinter – Directed and Written by Charbel Raad
A guy drives. and drives. and drives. He gets it on with a guy in his car before kicking him to the curb. He drives some more, this time to a bar and gets it on with a girl before he kicks her to the curb. He’s tormented by the incarnation of himself as a child, gets a girl’s phone number and then goes to work. Final Take – When a tempered two becomes a turgid twenty. (Watch it here)
SHUUICHI: Son of Vengeance – Written and Directed by Kevin Kittle
The son of a mad scientist is murdered, so pops operates on his kid and turns him into an avenging superhero. Junior launches into the cosmos and pops mopes around in his lab and is visited by the naked ghost of his wife. Then his kid returns from outer space. Made for the 2015 Phoenix Comicon film challenge. Narrated in Japanese with english subtitles. Final Take – Out of this world. (Watch it here)
The Salvatore – Written and Directed by Colten Dietz
Gangsters double cross each other and then everyone dies. Final Take – Pugnacious. (Watch it here)
Who is the Mannequin? – Written and Directed by Nicki Legge
A clueless detective tries to solve the mystery of the mannequin when the answer was right in front of him the whole time: a mannequin in a banana suit. Kung fu fighting and window shopping ensue. Final Take – Department store derelict. (Watch it here)
Cotard’s Syndrome – Written and Directed by Taylour Geiss
Trapped in the paralyzing twilight of sleep and death, A young girl is tormented by recurring dreams and lapses into angry paranoia. Final Take – Shrink wrapped.
Adventure Buddies – Written and Directed by Josh Berghoff
A trio of pals don some ghetto cosplay and head to Phoenix Comicon. Their car catches fire so they hoof it to the con. As they venture through south Phoenix, they encounter hookers, inhale cocaine and are threatened by drug dealers. Final Take – Con artist. (Watch it here)
Aunties – Written and Directed by Dineta Williams-Trigg
Two aunties console their niece who’s abusive husband has suddenly gone missing, all while sharing their secret family recipes in this dark comedy. Final Take – A dish served hot.
Scene of the Crime – Written and Directed by Jennifer Tristan
When a billionaire is murdered, the usual suspects are rounded up: The ex-wife, the current wife, the nephew and the gay cross dressing psycho killer. Final Take – Death’s a drag. (Watch it here)
Bukkake Perfume Ad – Written by Jo Anna Larson, Directed by Jennifer Tristan
A sexy model frolics in a park and receives an erotically scented facial from two men.
Final Take – Jizz my imagination…running away with me. (Watch it here)
Bitch, Please! Written by Jo Anna Larson, Directed by Amy Jean Page
Bullshit repellent for women: talk smack, get bitch-slapped with this violent new aerosol!
Final Take – Don’t say it, spray it! (Watch it here)
Faust 2 Directed and Written by Jamie Rivera
A struggling writer pisses in a jar and smokes. Slugging back some hooch he returns to the typewriter to pound out the greatest work of pulp fiction. Unable to find his muse, he drinks his booze and with nothing to lose, he grabs his gun to end his writer’s block. Before he can pull the trigger the Devil arrives and makes him a deal; his soul in exchange for the greatest novel ever written. The writer is reluctant to hand over the not so goods and wants to make sure his best interests will still be respected. It becomes a battle of nit-wits as the two argue over the semantics of the deal. Final Take – In the details.
Trailer for “The Sound of Running Water” Written and Directed by Suzanne Steinberg
Trailer for Suzanne Steinberg’s 2013 featurette. (Watch it here)
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